upcoming EVENTS
Every Sunday
10:30am in person or online
Live Streamed through Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TryFaithUMC/live/ or our website https://www.tryfaith.org/online
**Face masks highly recommended at all Faith UMC events

1st Tuesdays of the month
Book club is as much about quality time as it is book discussion. Books are selected from an assortment of genres each month and discussed in the comfort of member's living rooms, over coffee at a local coffee shop, or out for dinner, or zoom. Both men and women are welcome to join anytime (reading is optional). For information about what we are currently reading or where our next meeting will be held email Kayla at kaylajackson@gmail.com

The next Women of the Word fall study will begin on Wednesday, November 10 from 9:30-11:00 at the church. We are asking everyone to wear masks.
We will be studying Names of God by Melissa Spoelstra – there is a study guide available for purchase at many sources on- line. You do not need to do any work before the first session.
For more information contact Ashley Lewis at alewis2396@gmail.com or Anita Kirsch anitakirsch1@gmail.com.
3rd Saturdays
Join our men's ministry, Men of Faith, for fellowship and bible study! On the third Saturday of the month, they meet at 8:30am at Sidewalk Cafe in Denton. All other Saturdays are at 9:00am on Zoom.
For more information, contact Dan Rodgers at drodg327@gmail.com.