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Sunday, February 18 is the first Sunday of Lent at Faith UMC. Lent is a 40 day period of intentional prayer and self-reflection that commemorates the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness. It prepares us for Holy Week, when we revisit the final days of Jesus' life. 


This Lent we are reading the Gospel of Mark together. Pastor Stefani has outlined a reading plan that will guide you through the entire book during the season of Lent. You can read and download that plan here or scan the QR code to the right. 


As we move through stories of Jesus' inclusive call to unlikely individuals, we can see the transformative nature of discipleship. May we embrace the radical call of following Jesus in unexpected ways.


Join us every Sunday at 10:30am in person or online through Facebook or our Website.

Childcare available for children 4 and under - contact for more info.

Scan for the
Mark Reading Plan
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We have multiple opportunities for you to recognize Ash Wednesday this year.


Drive through the Connection Circle from 7-9am to receive ashes from Pastor Stefani on your way to work or as you get ready for the day.


Then, we will gather in the worship space at 6:30pm for a reflective service with the imposition of ashes.

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On Wednesdays from 7-8pm beginning February 21, Pastor Stefani will lead a study on "Simon Peter: Flawed but Faithful Disciple" by Adam Hamilton. In this 6-week Lenten bible study, participants will learn about Peter's call and discover how their own gifts could be used by God. Be sure to purchase the book if you'd like to attend. 


Register here before February 28:

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Stay after worship on Sunday, March 17 for a lunch with your church family - let's be in community together! We'll provide lunch, but you're welcome to bring dessert to share. 

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Begin your Holy Week at Faith UMC! We are looking forward to a joyful Palm Sunday worship on Sunday, March 24 at 10:30am. If you come in person, stick around with your kiddos after the service for an egg hunt - don’t forget your baskets!

Join us in person or online at

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Maundy Thursday commemorates the last supper Jesus had with his disciples. We will do this as a community at our interactive service on March 28 at 6:30pm.


Join us in person or online at

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On Good Friday, we remember the life, mission, and sacrifice of Jesus. We will gather on March 29 at 6:30pm for a Good Friday service.

Join us in person or online at


Celebrate Easter at Faith UMC on Sunday, March 31!

We will have a sunrise service at 7:30am. Then we will gather in the worship space at our regular Sunday time of 10:30am for a service complete with special music!

Join us in person or online at

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