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Writer's pictureJenna Morrison

Grateful: Actions, Not Just Words

Updated: Jan 29, 2019

I think that gratitude is one of those things that we often have to cultivate. It takes work to look at the world around us, which so often seems to be in shambles, and to be grateful. It’s usually easier to name the things that bring us down as opposed to the glimmers of light around us. What we forget, though, is that gratitude changes everything; it reorients our perspective, gives us hope in dealing with hardship, and reminds us that we are never alone because of the love of God!

That’s why last week we started a new sermon series: Grateful.

We examined David’s “dancing with all his might” and how we might be able to incorporate things in our lives that bring us to gratitude (instead of as a result of gratitude). Dancing works both ways!

This week, we will encounter another person from Scripture who demonstrates gratitude to us—not just by word, but by action! Come join us for worship to see who it is, and how we can use this person’s example to helps us cultivate gratitude! You won’t want to miss it!

And speaking of missing out: I hope you’ll mark your calendars to be with me for the Sundays of February as I lead at study at 9a (during discipleship hour). We will be working from Matt Miofsky’s work entitled Happy? And will together wrestle with learning to find our happiness in things that are out of this world!

Your pastor and friend in Christ,



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