Small Group Gathering and Study
Sundays - 9am - Zoom
Tuesdays - 6pm - In-person
Beginning on the first week of Lent (Feb. 21) Pastor Jenna will host two small group opportunities. This five-week study will focus on the series "Together" and closely follow each week's sermon.
The 9am Sunday group will meet prior to worship via Zoom each week.
The 6pm Tuesday evening group will be in-person with masks and seated at a safe distance from others.
Sign up with the ONE CLICK LINK .

Weekly e-devotion
Using the ONE CLICK LINK sign up for a weekly devotion and intentional prayer sent directly to your email each Monday of Lent.

Serving as a part and within our community has always been a huge passion of Faith UMC. We are excited to partner with three local nonprofit organizations during lent. We have set aside three Saturdays to partner with Lovepacs, Hearts for Homes, Shiloh Garden, plus a workday here at Faith UMC, dates and details coming soon! Due to Covid-safe regulations space may be limited. Below are the links to each organization, we encourage you to take a look and find ways to support these organizations outside of the service day. (Each event will have it's own sign up.)
Saturday, Feb. 27
Helping feed children during extended school breaks. We are currently collecting certain pantry items and will pack boxes at the Denton Lovepacs facility on Sat. Feb. 27 from 10a-12p Space is limited Sign up here
Saturday, Mar. 6
The mission of Hearts for Homes is to improve the living conditions of low-income senior homeowners in Denton County. Ages 7th grade and up are welcome to join. Sat. March 6 from 9am-noon (come and go) Sign up here
Saturday, Mar. 13
Shiloh Garden is the largest community garden in the US. They are helping to provide fresh food to local families. All ages welcome to come help. Sat. March 13 from 8am-noon (come and go) Sign up here

Rescheduled for later date
Love Your Church Workday. Come help with some spring cleaning, yard work, and other projects to help beautify our campus.

Holy Week Activity Bag
Sign up now for your Holy Week Activity Bag. Each bag will contain a Pray Together booklet, daily activities, and supplies. The cost is $10 to help cover cost of supplies. Bags will be available for pick up March 21 from 11:30-12:30 or on Palm Sunday.
Sign up using the ONE CLICK LINK .
Check back often for more details about
Palm Sunday Concert on the Lawn,
Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday,
and Easter
Holy Week

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is always such a joyous time spent together. Join us for outdoor worship at 9am, indoor at 10:30 am (rsvp required), or online. Then come back for the outdoor concert and egg hunt at 5pm.

Bring the whole family, lawn chairs, blankets, dinner, etc. for a fun evening with the whole band and an egg hunt. March 28 @ 5pm
Bring your basket for the egg hunt! All kids 6th grade and under welcome. Mask required for all ages 5 and over. Eggs will be filled by Mrs. Jeni for safety protocols.
***Now accepting candy donations!!
A Maundy Thursday Celebration @ Home!
Whenever you sit down for dinner, gather some of these supplies and work through this at-home liturgy to remember the Last Supper around your dinner table!
What you need:
Your favorite meal or foods—anything counts! Macaroni and cheese, steak, cake, you name it!

On this evening, we will remember the what happened that day on the cross. In a service of song, scripture, and silence, we will reflect on the sacrifice and love.
Join us in-person or online @ 6pm.

Let's celebrate Easter together! Join us for one of our multiple services!
Sunrise @ 7am
Outdoor @ 9am
Indoor @ 10:30am (rsvp required - click here)
Online @ 10:30 am